Circus metaphors

This week have been thinking a lot about metaphors ands figures of speech as a starting point to make circus. I did a sessions with my students where we started by coming up with lots of actions to do with circus discipline e.g. throw, roll, hang, swing, fall, grip, balance etc…. Then we were trying to find figures of speech with these actions words with the intention of using then as inspiration to make physical material.

  • Falling head over heels

  • Get a grip

  • I’m spinning a lot of plates at the moment

  • Finding the balance between work and home life

  • High as a kite

  • I’m putting my foot down

  • And the list goes on….

It’s a fun game to see what comes out other side and I like that the meta story often comes across with in the physical material. Try it for yourself and see what happens. It’s inspired me to read this book on metaphors recommended by a friend.


Thinking inside the box.


Tracking. Tracked.